On Monday 22 May 2023, the Road-STEAMer consortium teamed up with Surrounded by Science, an eight-member consortium developing a new methodology for evaluating the impact of out-of-school science activities, to convene the High-Level Webinar on Rethinking Science Education in Europe.
The session opened with a high-level roundtable discussion hosted by the Lisbon Council, featuring Pamela Burnard, professor of arts, creativities and educations at the University of Cambridge; Vasyl Dunets, head of the department for educational programmes, Junior Academy of Sciences of Ukraine; Manuel Miguéns, secretary-general, National Education Council, Portugal, and Sherman Rosenfeld, biologist and science educator, Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel.
The speakers, moderated by Chrysoula Mitta, discussed new approaches to STEAM education, and their role in building resilient societies. Immediately following the roundtable, the University of Exeter, one of the RoadSTEAMer partners, led a co-creation workshop on the theoretical approaches to STEAM. This interactive session collected feedback and insights from over sixty participants – mostly academics and practitioners in the field of science education – on a proposed theoretical and conceptual framework for STEAM education in Europe.The outputs of the co-creation workshop will eventually feed into Road-STEAmer’s work.
Road-STEAMer will be working closely with the Junior Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and the Copernicus Science Centre in Poland that have joined the project as Affiliated Entities of the European Network of Science Centres and Museums – Ecsite.
The Road-STEAMer community responded swiftly to the EU’s call for support to Ukrainian institutions in the framework of Horizon Europe and beyond. In this context, STEAM practices that can aid Ukraine and its schools in both responding to challenges caused by the Russian aggression and preparing for rebuilding its education system will be explored.
Watch the recording of the Roundtable session.