Tag: Road-STEAMer


STEAM Education: The Claim for Socially Innovative Practices

This article highlights the transformative potential of STE(A)M education as a socially innovative approach to making STEM more inclusive and creativity-driven. Drawing on findings from the EU-funded Road-STEAMer project and the DOIT programme, it demonstrates how STE(A)M education enhances creativity, self-efficacy, and interdisciplinary problem-solving skills while promoting diversity and equity in STEM fields.
The study calls for stronger policy support, expanded educator training, and inclusive frameworks to prepare students for the demands of an evolving workforce, positioning STE(A)M as a vital tool for addressing educational gaps and societal challenges.

Workshop citizen science ECSA2024 ZSI Road-STEAMer

Workshop Highlights from European Citizen Science Conference 2024

ZSI organised an engaging workshop on citizen science in the context of the Citizen Science at the European Citizen Science Conference 2024. Explore the discussions held and the challenges encountered while conducting citizen science activities in schools!

In February 2024, Road-STEAMer contributed to the discussions at the the OTTER project's final event in Brussels, fostering collaborative innovation on STEAM education.

Road-STEAM at the OTTER project final event

In February 2024, Road-STEAMer contributed to the discussions at the the OTTER project’s final event in Brussels, fostering collaborative innovation on STEAM education.


STEAM Education, Science Trainee Teachers, and Shadow Puppets

30 trainee teachers participated in a workshop to explore the complexities of STEAM education. The goal was to encourage future educators to consider integrating a STEAM approach into their teaching practices. Read more!